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That such starting-up and adjustment works?

Why them allocate in the separate stage finishing start-up of object? The termination{ending} of installation works yet does not enable manufacture to begin work. Before still it is necessary to check up readiness of the mounted equipment, to adjust all cooperating schemes{plans}, and also to start all systems in a steady operating mode with trial delivery of the good-quality production stipulated by the project.
Starting-up and adjustment works on the purpose{assignment;destination} are continuation of civil and erection works. Only after their termination{ending} the building object can be ready to use. As a rule, it concerns to industrial objects, in housing construction volume of these works considerably below - up to 0,1 %.
the Order of carrying out of starting-up and adjustment works is regulated СНиП 30505-84 " the Process equipment and technological pipelines ", the appendix 1; СНиП 30505-86 " Electrotechnical devices ", section 4; СНиП 30507-85 of " System of automation "; section 5, СНиП 30501-85 " Internal sanitary-engineering systems ", sections 4. 16 and 4.20 (concern{touch} systems of ventilation and air-conditioning).
Starting-up and adjustment works are spent during tests and start of the complex equipment. Thus the concept "equipment" covers all area of the nonproduction equipment, pipelines, electrotechnical and теплотехнические devices, systems of automation from a stage of preparation of raw material up to an output{exit} of a ready product, for example, cement (conveyors, lines, furnaces, dryers). Starting-up and adjustment works and tests in each case have concrete, individual character. Depending on a kind the equipment is run in as a whole up to 72 ч. (котлоагрегаты, and pumps, fans - 8 ч.).
Starting-up and adjustment works perfoms by highly skilled workers. Quality of starting-up and adjustment works in many respects depends on a level of their technical knowledge, experience of adjustment, and also from quality of the project, building and installation works.
price lists join parameters of an estimation of all complex of works. This all requirements of GOST, OST, THAT, an electric part and requirements of the safety precautions, fire safety, a rule of a labour safety.
Dificalts of processes depends on specificity of the equipment of each concrete object. затратообразующим an element search of the reasons which underlie failures of the equipment is main. .
How correctly to regard these works?
in Development of the norms-regulating documentation project institutes of allied value earlier were engaged. After abolition of Gosstroy BSSR and 7 ministers and departments which were engaged in construction, questions of the estimate on starting-up and adjustment works ( as on gasadjustment , radioadjustment) needed to be mastered, accepted new documents to developand approve{confirm}e price lists
To regard correctly - means to regard so that there were no mutual claims from the executor and the customer, there were no infringements from the point of view of checking bodies. It is necessary to have licenses for those kinds of works which are licensed, they stand out profile departments: Белстандартом, Атомнадзором, Минстройархитектуры РБ, Ministry for the Power Generating Industry RB. This stage well-known to experts.
Further with the customer it is necessary to conclude the contract, to make estimatescoordinate inate and perform works.
Contract under the form accepted in construction manufacture for генподрядчика, according to governmental decree N 1450. In full it{he} in starting-up and adjustment works is not used. Our questions make a small part of this contract. Except for housing construction, starting-up and adjustment works are financed as primary activity and concern on the cost price of production. In the contract the subject of the contract, a duty of the parties{sides}, terms, conditions, поря are specifiedeoTo the taxation. Two parties{sides}-participants of the contract - the usual practice, can be also the third party - the investor.
About conditions. It is necessary be ready to answer all questions under the estimate with corresponding{meeting} documents. As a rule, "symmetry" is observed: if additional requirements are put forward, the executor stipulates counter conditions. For example, if the customer is disturbed with terms of carrying out of starting-up and adjustment works, we ask to provide in time installation works. To take unilateral obligations in the interconnected works of sense has no.
the Price of the contract is regulated and made under estimates. Some local estimates on divisions of large object, by different kinds of works are reduced in one summary.
According to " Instructions on the order of estimating on starting-up and adjustment works and complex approbation of the equipment " a basis of calculation make the prices 1991 y . the prices in modern the price index that the customer could see a financial picture by the current moment is used. The order of estimating is adjusted{regulated} by the normative documentation of Gosstroy of the USSR, in particular, the specified instruction approved{confirmed} by the decision from July, 21st, 1981 123 (" Building norms{rates} 534-81 ")thPartially they have become outdated, but the basic part remains operating{working}. Individual accounting on that equipment on which there are no quotations, calculation of other expenses, bonus, travelling are done{made} in addition. In the estimate detailed references{links} to price lists and year of their edition are very important.
In local estimate should be specified: the prices for the basic works 1991, indexes of translation{transfer}, modern prices, other expenses, taxes, VAT and total cost of the estimate. For taxes the reference{link} to letter Минстройархитектуры №06-302 from June, 14th, 1997 " About structure of an overhead charge for starting-up and adjustment works too is necessary.
Price lists - the greatest problem at drawing up of the estimate. Price lists of interbranch application (them 9) are used for start-up and adjustment of that equipment whicpurpose{assignment;destination}se is identical in all areas. In group of documents "Г" allied price lists are reconsidered and accepted new, for Belarus.
Departmental price lists have various spheres of action: musical establishments, the enterprises обществен gго a feed{meal}, theatrical stages, fire automatics. Departmental price lists are coordinated{agreeed} with Минстройархитектуры РБ and Ministry of Economics RB. They too are reconsidered for Belarus. Минжилкомхоз РБ has made the price list in the prices 1994 that it is necessary to consider at calculations. Fire automatics, the security fire signal system, repair and servicing since January, 1st, 2000 are estimated{appreciated} on is new To price lists "Спецавтоматика". Other departments work under old price lists, means, to reconsider them at them there is no necessity., certainly, it is not enough experts, to order these works in project institutes very dearly
Working}g price-lists consider waybills and planned costs, they need to be applied competently. Lowering factors to them are applied according to letters Минстройархитектуры РБ. For example, many young organizations do not consider, that there are separate price-lists for repair work. It is not less important, that it there were price lists of the USSR, but not Ukraine and other CIS countries.
Oper aShould be applied very precisely. Electric drives on the walking dredges working in карьерах, on bogs and on road barriers in city, - different things and works on their adjustment too differ from each other. To consider and estimate{appreciate} that is actually done{made} is necessary only. In the second case lowering factors, it is necessary to coordinate{agreee} them with the customer that there were no misunderstanding and complaints. In the general{common} part and introduction instructions{indications} to each section it is told: at repeated performance starting-up and adjustment the slave g To calculations it is necessary to apply lowering factors (corresponding{meeting} price lists).
Such factors as a different degree of complexity, necessity of the admission to the certain works, harmful conditions, winter works at minus temperature (not building, namely starting-up and adjustment), too are considered. And here totime{temporary}e buildings and constructions starting-up and adjustment works are not stipulated. .
Miscellaneous costs - travellers, long-service bonuses, additional holidays, bonus for industrialresults - pay off regularly. (the Letter from May, 14th, 1999 №04--02/4-3480).
If necessary carrying out of new or unforeseen works they are made out by the additional agreement to the contract. Delivery of the devices, stands, overalls (but not the travel) is included into an overhead charge. Check of high-voltage cables with a call of electrolaboratory is regarded as electrotechnical works. Charges on transport join in individual accounting. Large devices are got due to profit, fine, as well as overalls, tools, - due to unprofitable{superimposed} planned costs.
the Contractual price idefined{determined}ed and affirms on the basis of the base price under the letter of Gosstroy of the USSR from January, 30th, 1991 №ЛЗ - 9010 " Methodical recommendations on estimating and definition of contractual prices of starting-up and adjustment works ".".
If price lists Минжилкомхоза РБ and indexes Минстройархитектуры РБ are combined is a mistake{error}. Game rules, a technique should be one department.
Starting-up and adjustment works can execute and the customer, having experts, calculations too can do{make} itself. In РБ it is accepted, that the estimate is made nevertheless by the executor, that is the contract organization, and estimates{appreciates} the work in 2-3 % from budget cost. In budgetary sphere of means for construction are allocated to the customer as whom acts УКС. For starting-up and adjustment works these details of value have no. All questions under taxes and tax privileges are opened in the Law " About the budget 2000 y ".


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